Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Apple Watch

An immersive education summit is an event that takes place every year and is basically a conference, with many speakers where they discuss the impact that certain kinds of technology are having, and how they can be expanded. Topics covered feature all state of the art technologies such as wearable computers and 3D printing. Learn more at http://summit.immersiveeducation.org/

Here are two highlight screenshots which show in more detail what this conference is, and more specifically who and what universities are involved, because I could not remember them all. Some of my favorite topics discussed are Google Glass, 3D printing, personal robotics, and virtual currencies. The topic of this report is the newest addition to Apple's collection of gadgets, the Apple Watch.

 The Apple Watch is the first wearable technology Apple has made, and it has a long list of useful features that would have been unheard of 10 years ago. One of the best new features with the Apple Watch, and iOS 8.0 in general is Apple Pay, which allows people to set up a credit card on their device, and then use the device to pay with that credit card. There have been a few ideas from other companies along these lines in the last few years, but none as big or well laid out as iOS 8.0 and the Apple Watch.
The Apple Watch also has a health feature to help people track physical activity and log it all. As shown by the display to the left, your time moving, standing, and exercising is easily tracked and graphed for you on the face of the Apple Watch. Doing so without much manipulation in the settings will help many people lead a healthier life, even if they are not experts on how to do so.

This product wouldn't be much of a watch if it didn't include some kind of time keeping, of course. The Apple Watch keeps spot on accurate time, based on your location. Features like this make this product perfect for anyone who travels a lot for work or personal reasons, because the watch will readjust to the correct time for you no matter where you are.

Below is a video demo of the Apple Watch, highlighting some of the frequently questioned features such as how to zoom in and how to navigate to and from the home screen.

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